Volunteer Application

Become a Volunteer Today!

Volunteer Application

Your Name(Required)
Your Address(Required)

Who should we notify in case of an emergency?

Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Address

Times you are available:

Please fill in the time available on the lines provided. Indicate specific time slots available between 9am and 5pm.
Preferred location (Check all applicable)(Required)

Class Schedule:

If you are a student, please fill in the days that you have school.

Volunteer Position you are most interested in:

Check all that apply:

To comply with the Department of Health requirements, all volunteers will need a 2-step TB test and a background check for those over 18 and out of high school.

By submitting this application

I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I agree to abide by the policies of Hale Kū’ike for the health and safety of all.